10 June 2022

11.1 ‘Today.’ The thought settled like a stone in his belly.

Payne Township - June 10, 1874

ARJ sprung from the pallet, startled awake from another bad dream, or was it something else? He stood in the early morning light slowing his heart. The last thing he recalled was listening, from under the quilt, as Dad played his euphonium the night before; that and his worries about the trial tomorrow, as he tried to fall to sleep. 

‘Today.’ The thought settled like a stone in his belly.

Bacon sizzled in a pan on the stove and four teacups waited in their saucers on the table. The familiar smells of breakfast calmed him. Aunt Rachel held the teapot as she stood looking toward the back of the cabin, smiling. Then ARJ heard Uncle Albert’s laugh from the extended back room he and Dad had built last week, and where they had been sleeping.

Head still on the pillow, ARJ listened. Mum was making a fuss about something. Another laugh and then Dad’s voice, louder.

“I know my boots were clean last night. I don’t understand where the mud comes from!”

ARJ heard the new back door open and then Mum’s voice, “Look Arthur! The tracks come through the back door!”

Uncle Albert teased, “Perhaps the privy?”

“There’s no mud from the cabin to the outhouse.” Dad said, in all seriousness. “Well, at least the mud isn’t at the front door this time, and that’s an improvement! Go have your tea, Anna, and I’ll get this cleaned up.”

Mum sighed as she appeared in the front room, her right fist pressing into her back as she walked. ARJ extricated himself from the pallet of snoozers and gave Mum a hug.

“Good morning, son! I thought you were still sleeping.”

“Dad’s still here?” He asked as he walked to investigate the back room.

“Yes. He’s out in the back, why?”

“I was afraid the trial had started.”

“Mr. Salisbury said only Dad needed to be there today. He doesn’t think the actual trial will get started until tomorrow.” Mum reassured him as she pulled a chair from the table and sat. It was strange to see her act so tired this early in the morning, but he knew the baby would soon be here.

“Uncle Albert will go with Dad today, and Dad will stay in town tonight. Remember?” she continued.

ARJ nodded, rubbing his eyes.

“Get dressed and you can eat breakfast with us.”

He quickly pulled on his clothes, careful not to wake the others, and went to wash up.

After breakfast, ARJ watched as Dad and Uncle Albert rode down the drive.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Dad!” He shouted, attempting to modulate his voice. Dad waved back at him and smiled, before turning to the road ahead.

John William and his cousins, still in their nightshirts, waved at the wagon; running, and laughing down the drive until they were out of sight but, ARJ went to sit next to Anna Eva on the porch. She held in her arms, a doll that Aunt Rachel had made for her from one of Dad’s handkerchiefs. As
she rocked it, she hummed, smiling up at her big brother. ARJ put an arm around her, listening until the rumble of the wagon faded away.

The farm always sounded different when Dad was gone; quiet, empty, and lonely. This morning, it was all of those things, but so much more. He dreaded the long day of waiting. Tonight, only Uncle Albert would return, bringing news from Wichita.

The heavy mood saturating the cabin lifted slightly when the sound of wagon wheels and horse hooves entered the farmyard an hour after tea. Aunt Rachel walked to the window and looked out.

“He’s unhitching the horses. It will take him a bit to put them away.”

The women finished getting the younger children ready for bed. Mum worked quietly and ARJ noticed the deep grooves across her brow as she pulled Eva Anna’s night shift over her head.

The door opened and Uncle Albert entered, hanging his hat next to Dad’s empty hook. Aunt Rachel smiled at him as she stoked the fire in the stove and put the kettle back on. Mum slowly lowered herself onto a chair at the table; ARJ standing close beside her.

“Arthur is settled into the hotel across from the courthouse.” His uncle began, falling into a chair with sigh. “Not much happened in the courtroom today. The jury was chosen, and then they adjourned until nine in the morning. The judge looks to be several years younger than Arthur.”

Aunt Rachel tipped the kettle and poured his tea. “As long as he’s just.”  

Uncle Albert nodded and then looked at Mum. “How are you feeling? Mr. Salisbury asked me to remind you that they can have your affidavit read if necessary.”

Mum shook her head. “Unless the child comes during the night, I’ll be in court in the morning.”

Uncle Albert nodded. “I didn’t expect you to change your mind.”

“It’s just too important…” Mum’s voice trailed off, absently rubbing ARJ’s shoulder.


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