29 March 2022

4.3 Tears coursed down his cheeks as he tried to rescue them all…

Payne Township, Sedgwick County, Kansas

That night, ARJ had a tough time falling to sleep. Home was on his mind. He missed his grandparents. Would he ever see them again?

Mum and Dad sat facing the fireplace, talking softly. He tried to listen to their conversation over the sound of popping embers that interrupted their voices. Dad was worried about what was left of the money. ARJ lay still and listened. He wondered if America had a poor house where they would send them if they had no money. He wished he could sleep peacefully like John William and Eva Anna, who didn’t yet understand anything was wrong. Then he wouldn’t have to worry, but… he was too old for that.

Dad set a log in the fire and leaned back in his chair. “I know we’ll be fine if we can get through the first harvest. Sidney Brown and I talked to several farmers, in town today, who have a few years of experience farming this area. They suggested we start with corn this year and plant winter wheat in the autumn. I’d like to try it. This spring I’ll plant several acres of corn to sell, and oats for the horses and us, of course. We can also plant Irish potatoes and buckwheat for our own stores.”

“It sounds like you have it worked out. We simply need to get to harvest.”

Dad looked at Mum for a minute. “I can possibly get work elsewhere if needed. We’ll make it… IF… we can get through the trial successfully.”

“I believe we will.”

Mum and Dad sat quietly for a while, long enough that ARJ finally closed his eyes, entering a dream.


`The soles of ARJ’s feet sunk a bit as the wave receded from the beach, pulling sand from beneath his toes. He watched the line of ripples as they ran back from shore, to join the fiery orange water that reflected the sunset. The bay was dotted with small schooners gently rocking on the calm evening sea. ‘How lucky we are to have such colorful sunsets in Ryde.’ ARJ thought. The people on Isle of Wight seemed to agree, as many walked the long pier that stretched out into the Solent. ARJ turned and looked behind him until he spotted Grandpa William, who was standing a safe distance from the waves, smiling, and holding a pair of boys’ boots in one hand. ARJ smiled back and returned to his game of finding the holes of tiny, shelled creatures that the waves repeatedly attempted to uncover. He had much competition in the game with all the little waders and sanderlings on fast, slender legs, searching for dinner with their long beaks. The silhouettes of black headed gulls, riding the gentle waves, looked like tiny boats against the bright sky. ARJ loved everything about the beach. A sudden gust of wind caught his attention. He looked up to see the schooners bouncing on growing waves. “ARJ! We need to find shelter!” Grandpa yelled. A large white wave crashed over the sandy beach urging him toward Grandpa. As they ran, ARJ looked over his shoulder at angry clouds that roiled the sea beneath them. Grandpa and ARJ ran for shelter along the pier, riding out the storm that gradually subsided. In its wake was a dark gray sky over white capped waves still angrily pounding the beach. They walked closer to the water, stepping around the mess of broken shells and debris that littered the shore. ARJ stooped and picked up the egg-case purse of a young ocean ray, its little tale wiggled, tickling his hand. “Run and put it in the water, son.” Grandpa said with urgency in his voice. ARJ sprinted toward the waves, gently tossing it to safety. As he turned back, he saw the shore was filled with tiny marine animals, all needing rescue. There were so many! He picked up a seahorse next. It stretched its tail as if to propel itself to the ocean’s edge, but ARJ knew he was the only one who could save it. Tears coursed down his cheeks as he tried to rescue them all… but there were too many to save.’

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